Littleton Legal PLLC works with small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-up companies in all industries regarding the formation, continuation, and the maintenance of their Limited Liability Company (LLC), For-Profit Corporation, Partnership, or Not-for-Profit Corporation.
Choosing the right legal entity for your new business can critically impact how your business is governed and taxed. Let Littleton Legal PLLC help you understand which type of company is best for you.
The following are various business entities frequently formed under Oklahoma and federal law:
- Limited Liability Company, set up as a disregarded entity, partnership, c-corp or s-corp (LLC)
- Series Limited Liability Company (series LLC)
- Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC)
- For-Profit Corporation, set up as subchapter c-corp or s-corp (Inc.)
- Professional Corporation (PC)
- Non-Profit or Not-For-Profit Corporation (Inc.)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Limited Partnership (LP)
- Sole proprietorship
Littleton Legal PLLC has the experience needed to help you understand the characteristics, obligations, pros and cons of each type of with respect to issues of filings, business purpose, personal liability, taxation, ease of management, maintenance and cost. Let us help you choose the business entity type that is appropriate for the objectives and needs of your business.
When a company is no longer able to function in its current form, an orderly business dissolution process is necessary to protect the rights, interests and investments of everyone with a stake in the business.
Littleton Legal PLLC can help you focus on the needs of the business while understanding the critical personal impact that decisions of this magnitude can have on you and those involved. You can trust our holistic approach to oversee all of the legal aspects of your business dissolution.